AKOLÁ TAMBÓ, with its trance-inducing bullerengue, presents a blaze of traditional Afro-Colombian beats that will take you on a journey to reconnect to the root. A high dose of drums, dance and mantra-like chants gives birth to this ancestral ritual in which everyone is invited to take part, unify their voices and become one.

Created in London in 2020 under the leadership of Esteban Card, Akolá Tambó’s objective is to reconstruct, through practice, the ancestral knowledge of bullerengue in order to become its ambassador in the UK. With its drums and its call and response chants, which induce a trance-like state, it aims to rescue this ancestral ritual from oblivion and share its healing power with the world.

Having performed at various venues and events, Akolá Tambó has fast become a reference within London’s Latin Community and has been invited to perform at some of its most important stages such as CASA Latinx Multidisciplinary Festival, Latinx Life Festival and Fusión de los Pueblos.