Buffo’s Wake is a twelve-legged beast, hatched in the murky backwater of Brighton, UK. Armed with accordions, violins and a bucket full of gusto they waltz, tango, mosh and kolo their way through a vast array of influences from Eastern European, Balkan and Russian folk, to punk rock and cabaret, telling tales of debauchery, deformity, zombies, incest and anatomy and making audiences dance late into the night in the process.
Musical schizophrenics, drawing from diverse backgrounds ranging from Drum n’ Bass DJ’s to classically trained string players, punks to funk players and poets to showmen, you’re never quite sure what to expect next from Buffo’s Wake.
In their time together, they have toured all over the world, finding an inspired, confused, sweaty, and often very drunk reception everywhere they go.
Gypsy, Balkan and Klezmer Carnival Punks – with influences from Abba to Zappa, Buffo’s Wake are guaranteed to leave you dancing like a man possessed!