They are covers Jim, but not as we know them! Sex Pistols on a banjo?
Radiohead as a waltz? A Bluegrass Stormzy?! Has the world gone mad...?
Fear not dear reader it’s just the legendary Arkansaw Jukebox Collective -
playing covers just like god intended... bluegrass style!
The moving feast of humanity that is the Arkansaws (girls, blokes, fiddles,
banjos, trumpets - just play what y'brung!) deliver a show stopping performance
with covers of very well-known numbers (cue the big sing-a-long!) but with a
real twist as they unearth the hidden country heart in EVERY genre of music.
Rock, pop, hip-hop, dance, rap – they all get the treatment!
Thing is every event or festival needs a full on party vibe at some point - but sometimes you need to wrap it up in a cooler package than a dad band playing Oasis covers right? The Arkansaws exist to fill exactly that
slot – lots of “party” but with enough “arty” to satisfy all comers.
Think Hayseed Dixie fronted by The Dixie Chicks and you are getting close!
Exceptionally clever re-workings, great playing, lush 4 part harmonies
come together to deliver full on foot-stompers all the way and no one gets out without smiling – come on you’ve always wanted to know what a bluegrass rap sounded like!!
7 piece (or sometimes 8 or sometimes 9 or... you get the idea!) can either arrive and play or provide full technical production.